Tuesday 20 May 2014


'Millions' of wasps swarm in Essex. Western Road near Chandlers Way.

Western i.e. the west

Chandler - person in medieval house responsible for wax, candles and soap.

Wax as in bee's wax? Wax used to make homes?



Friday 16 May 2014

Seasonal Offers

Shoppers in Victoria Top Shop  attacked by bees. Is the hive-mind trying to make a point on the post-capitalist world? They seemed to be particularly attracted to the 30% green heart. Is it a message?
[originally posted on London Fortean Society facebook page]


Lauren Coleman's excellent blog The Copy Cat Effect states that a recent paper on Tornado Climatology has shown that tornadoes have a tendency to touch down in the areas between the city and countryside, the marginal areas where in the US, trailer parks tend to be. These are liminal areas, where the wilderness gives way to the settled world of the city. The suburbs have always had a mysteriousness, where the animal and vegetable world are kept at bay temporarily, leave those pavements unmaintained by council workmen with their weedkiller sprays and in a year or two the place looks like one of those ancient temples in the jungle. Nature clings on to every crevice. These areas have always been associated with Witches, who out of necessity needed to be near nature so as to collect the ingredients for their potions but also needed to be near a populace of customers.
That Tornadoes manifest in liminal areas is of no surprise. They are Daemons.



Tuesday 6 May 2014


The actor Bob Hoskins died recently.  While working of the mainly animated feature film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, he described a spell of hallucinations caused by him having to visualize the animated characters he was acting with in order to aline the sight-line of his eyes to the animations.

"I think I went a bit mad while working on that. Lost my mind. The voice of the rabbit was there just behind the camera all the time," he recalled. "The trouble was, I had learnt how to hallucinate. My daughter had an invisible friend called Jeffrey and I played with her and this invisible friend until one day I actually saw the friend."
