A Scene from the third series of Game of Thrones where a gruesome design of dismembered horses has been left by the mysterious White Walkers. The 'galaxy' spiral design caught my attention and I wondered what was the intention of this dark art. Who was the sign intended to be viewed by? Was it religious in nature? Why do the White Walkers feel a need to produce this kind of art?
And a question familiar to most art students...why this choice of materials?
Tracks left by Dust Devils on the surface of Mars
A Dust Devil caught in action on Mars.
Loren Coleman's deeply disturbing blog was the influence for me writing the one you are currently reading. I had noticed some of the events that Coleman had written about as they had come up in the news as well as others he had missed and I wanted to write of my own observations, from an especially personal perspective. His post on the Peter Pan suicides had caught my attention before (2010) and caught it again when he posted recently (Feb 2014).
A child found (2014) in an apparent suicide, surname Rider, in an area called Baton Rouge (red stick - a symbol to mark the boundaries of rival tribal areas).
(Rider- one who rides horses- this being the year of the horse)
Coleman links this, via what he refers to as the 'Name Game' a series of interlinking names and their meanings, to several 'suicides' from 1998-2010. There were two that happened on the same day in 2009, in both India and the US. Many were found hung from door hooks and Coleman suggests this may have a connection to Captain Hook, the villainous pirate in the Peter Pan stories.
It was the date that caught my attention.
20th Feb.
A date that had personal resonances with me.
I had noticed the name game myself many years before. Sometimes it is clear that names have been used to specifically hint at references as in the use of the date September the 11th (911 - in the American dating system) to indicate the 'emergency' of the American Emergency Services telephone number.
But sometimes, names have been referenced in a way that could not have been caused by human agency and one can only speculate that a more supernatural design is at work.
I hesitated to write about these connection because of the negative energy it implies. My superstitiousness is what attracts me to these details but it also warns me away.
Horse-ripping, the mutilation of horses - suspected to be religious in nature, has been an ongoing phenomena I have taken note of. This is sometimes liked with mysterious horse-braiding, where braids are tied into the mane's or tail's of horses.
(horses - symbolic of the Goddess Epona)
(braiding, a form of weaving, is associated with daemonic activity)
'Pixies are drawn to horses, riding them for pleasure and making tangled ringlets in the manes of those horses they ride.'
Venus of Willendorf c. 28,000 – 25,000 B.C.E. (with braided hair?)
Venus of Brassempouy 25,000 B.C.E. (with braided hair?)
The White Horse at Uffington is suspected to be Celtic in origin and a reference to Goddess worship. It has been vandalized twice, both times with the addition of a rider. The symbolism here can be seen as a domination of the feminine Goddess element.
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